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Soccer Game


Databall Ltd is based in Manchester (Greater Manchester, United Kingdom) and it founded by Ioannis Laftsoglou (aka Yiannis) in April 2022. Our aim is to help football players, coaches, scouts and agents through research and performance analysis. Our objective feedback can help players and coaches understand their own (or their team's) strengths and weaknesses.



Databall Ltd. offers various of online and in-person performance analysis services for footballers, coaches, analysts and agents. How does it work?

  1. Send us an email with some information about the game (name of the team, category level, age group, any specific players to focus on and how many games) you want us to analyse (they have to be full games).

  2. We will come back to you with some recommended options about what reporting style suits better you (e.g. scouting reports, talent identification reports, oppositional analysis, etc.), the estimated cost and the estimated time to complete the project.

  3. You will need to send us over the videos of the full game(s) 

  4. We will get back to you with the analysis you requested (written report, presentation, etc.) within the time-frame we have been agreed upon.

Analyzing Data

Below is a list with some of items we provide:



We are always open to listen and discuss any partnership or sponsorship deals. If you own a business / organisation and you think you have an offer that might interest us; please get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss further about it.



For any inquires, please get in touch and will come back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Us

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